Source code for pvp.common.loggers

Logging functionality

There are two types of loggers: a standard :class:`logging.Logger` -based logging system for debugging and recording system events,
and a :mod:`tables` - based :class:`.DataLogger` class to store continuously measured sensor values.

import typing
import shutil
import traceback
import os
import logging
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from logging import handlers
import as sio

import numpy as np
import tables as pytb

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    # from pvp.common.message import SensorValues, ControlValues, ControlSetting
    from pvp.common.message import SensorValues, ControlValues, DerivedValues, ControlSetting

# some global stack param

from pvp.common import prefs

list of strings, which loggers have been created already.

[docs]def init_logger(module_name: str, log_level: int = None, file_handler: bool = True) -> logging.Logger: """ Initialize a logger for logging events. If a logger has already been initialized, return that. Args: module_name (str): module name used to generate filename and name logger log_level (int): one of :var:`logging.DEBUG`, :var:`logging.INFO`, :var:`logging.WARNING`, or :var:`logging.ERROR` file_handler (bool, str): if ``True``, (default), log in ``<logdir>/module_name.log`` . if ``False``, don't log to disk. Returns: :class:`logging.Logger` : Logger 4 u 2 use """ logger = logging.getLogger(module_name) # if the logger has already been created, return the same instance if module_name in globals()['_LOGGERS']: return logger # set log level if not log_level: log_level = prefs.get_pref('LOGLEVEL') log_level = getattr(logging, log_level) assert log_level in (logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR) logger.setLevel(log_level) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # I assume this is to stop printing to stderr? why does it get a formatter then? -jls 2020-05-25 ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) # handler to log to disk # max = 8 file x 16 MB = 128 MB if file_handler and 'pytest' not in sys.modules: log_filename = os.path.join(prefs.get_pref('LOG_DIR'), module_name + '.log') fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( log_filename, mode = 'a', maxBytes=round(prefs.get_pref('LOGGING_MAX_BYTES')/(len(globals()['_LOGGERS'])+1)/prefs.get_pref('LOGGING_MAX_FILES')), backupCount=prefs.get_pref('LOGGING_MAX_FILES') ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) globals()['_LOGGERS'].append(module_name) # update the maxBytes of each logger so the same total maxBytes is kept update_logger_sizes() return logger
[docs]def update_logger_sizes(): """ Adjust each logger's ``maxBytes`` attribute so that the total across all loggers is ``prefs.LOGGING_MAX_BYTES`` """ new_max_bytes = round(prefs.get_pref('LOGGING_MAX_BYTES')/len(globals()['_LOGGERS'])/prefs.get_pref('LOGGING_MAX_FILES')) for logger_name in globals()['_LOGGERS']: logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) for handler in logger.handlers: if isinstance(handler, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler): handler.maxBytes = new_max_bytes
[docs]def log_exception(e, tb): """ # TODO: Stub exception logger. Prints exception type & traceback Args: e: Exception to log tb: TraceBack associated with Exception e """ print("Caught the following exception:", e, " but I don't know what to do with it.") # print(traceback.print_tb(tb, limit=MAX_STACK_DEPTH)) raise
class ContinuousData(pytb.IsDescription): """ Structure for the hdf5-table for continuous waveform data; measured once per controller loop. """ timestamp = pytb.Float64Col() # current time of the measurement - has to be 64 bit pressure = pytb.Float64Col() flow_out = pytb.Float64Col() control_in = pytb.Float64Col() control_out = pytb.Float64Col() oxygen = pytb.Float64Col() cycle_number = pytb.UInt32Col() # Max is 2147483647 Breath Cycles (~78 years) class ControlCommand(pytb.IsDescription): """ Structure for the hdf5-table to store control commands. Appended whenever a control command is received. """ name = pytb.StringCol(16) # Control setting name value = pytb.Float64Col() # double (double-precision) min_value = pytb.Float64Col() # double (double-precision) max_value = pytb.Float64Col() # double (double-precision) timestamp = pytb.Float64Col() # double (double-precision) class CycleData(pytb.IsDescription): """ Structure for the hdf5-table to store derived quantities from waveform measurements. Measured once per breath-cycle. """ timestamp = pytb.Float64Col() # Start time of this breath cycle cycle_number = pytb.UInt32Col() # Index of this breath cycle, Max is 2147483647 Breath Cycles (~78 years) I_phase_duration = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated duration of inspiratory phase pip_time = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated time when peak inspiratory pressure [PIP] was reached peep_time = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated time when positive end-expiratory pressure [PEEP] was reached pip = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated peak inspiration pressure [PIP] pip_plateau = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated plateau pressure around PIP peep = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated peep pressure vte = pytb.Float64Col() # estimated End-Tidal Volume
[docs]class DataLogger: """ Class for logging numerical respiration data and control settings. Creates a hdf5 file with this general structure: / root |--- waveforms (group) | |--- time | pressure_data | flow_out | control_signal_in | control_signal_out | FiO2 | Cycle No. | |--- controls (group) | |--- (time, controllsignal) | |--- derived_quantities (group) | |--- (time, Cycle No, I_PHASE_DURATION, PIP_TIME, PEEP_time, PIP, PIP_PLATEAU, PEEP, VTE ) | | Public Methods: close_logfile(): Flushes, and closes the logfile. store_waveform_data(SensorValues): Takes data from SensorValues, but DOES NOT FLUSH store_controls(): Store controls in the same file? TODO: Discuss flush_logfile(): Flush the data into the file """
[docs] def __init__(self, compression_level : int = 9): """ Initialized the coontinuous numerical logger class. Args: compression_level (int, optional): Compression level of the hdf5 file. Defaults to 9. """ # Logging the start of the DataLogger self.logger = init_logger(__name__)'DataLogger init') # general parameters for logging self._MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1e8 # Maximum allowed file size for circular logging self._MAX_NUM_LOGFILES = 10 # Maximum allowed file number for circular logging self._data_save_allowed = True # Data is allowed to be saved. If exceeds limits above, the flag is set to False, and logging stops. # If initialized, make a new file today = date_string = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") # Make the log folder self.log_dir = prefs.get_pref('DATA_DIR') self.file = os.path.join(self.log_dir, date_string + "_controller_log.0.h5") # Make sure that the file doesn't exist yet, if it does, append another number # In rarely happens, but for Travis-tests, this is needed. c=0 while os.path.exists(self.file): self.file = os.path.join(self.log_dir, date_string + '-' + str(c) + "_controller_log.0.h5") c = c + 1 self.storage_used = self.check_files() # Make sure there is space. Sum of all logfiles in bytes ## For data storage ## self.h5file = pytb.open_file(self.file, mode = "a") # Open logfile self.compression_level = compression_level # From 1 to 9, see tables documentation
def __del__(self): self.close_logfile()
[docs] def _open_logfile(self): """ Opens the hdf5 file and generates the file structure. """ if not self.h5file.isopen:'Reopening ' + self.file ) self.h5file = pytb.open_file(self.file, mode = "a") if "/waveforms" not in self.h5file:'Generating /waveform table in: ' + self.file ) group = self.h5file.create_group("/", 'waveforms', 'Respiration waveforms') self.data_table = self.h5file.create_table(group, 'readout', ContinuousData, "Breath Cycles", filters = pytb.Filters( complevel=self.compression_level, complib='zlib'), expectedrows=1000000) else: self.data_table = self.h5file.root.waveforms.readout if "/controls" not in self.h5file:'Generating /controls table in: ' + self.file ) group = self.h5file.create_group("/", 'controls', 'Control signal history') self.control_table = self.h5file.create_table(group, 'readout', ControlCommand, "Control Commands", filters = pytb.Filters( complevel=self.compression_level, complib='zlib') ) else: self.control_table = self.h5file.root.controls.readout if "/derived_quantities" not in self.h5file:'Generating /derived_quantities table in: ' + self.file ) group = self.h5file.create_group("/", 'derived_quantities', 'Quantities derived from waveform, one per cycle') self.derived_table = self.h5file.create_table(group, 'readout', CycleData, "Derived Values", filters = pytb.Filters( complevel=self.compression_level, complib='zlib') ) else: self.derived_table = self.h5file.root.derived_quantities.readout
[docs] def close_logfile(self): """ Flushes & closes the open hdf file. """ print("Saving in..." + self.file) self.h5file.close() # Also flushes the remaining buffers
[docs] def store_waveform_data(self, sensor_values: 'SensorValues', control_values: 'ControlValues'): """ Appends a datapoint to the file for continuous logging of streaming data. NOTE: Not flushed yet. Args: sensor_values (SensorValues): SensorValues to be stored in the file. control_values (ControlValues): ControlValues to be stored in the file """ if self._data_save_allowed: self._open_logfile() datapoint = self.data_table.row datapoint['timestamp'] = sensor_values.timestamp datapoint['pressure'] = sensor_values.PRESSURE datapoint['flow_out'] = sensor_values.FLOWOUT datapoint['control_in'] = control_values.control_signal_in datapoint['control_out'] = control_values.control_signal_out datapoint['oxygen'] = sensor_values.FIO2 datapoint['cycle_number'] = sensor_values.breath_count datapoint.append()
[docs] def store_control_command(self, control_setting: 'ControlSetting'): """ Appends a datapoint to the event-table, derived from ControlSettings Args: control_setting (ControlSetting): ControlSettings object, the content of which should be stored """ if self._data_save_allowed: self._open_logfile() datapoint = self.control_table.row datapoint['name'] = datapoint['value'] = control_setting.value datapoint['min_value'] = control_setting.min_value datapoint['max_value'] = control_setting.max_value datapoint['timestamp'] = control_setting.timestamp datapoint.append()
[docs] def store_derived_data(self, derived_values: 'DerivedValues'): """ Appends a datapoint to the event-table, derived the continuous data (PIP, PEEP etc.) Args: derived_values (DerivedValues): DerivedValues object, the content of which should be stored """ if self._data_save_allowed: self._open_logfile() datapoint = self.derived_table.row datapoint['timestamp'] = derived_values.timestamp datapoint['cycle_number'] = derived_values.breath_count datapoint['I_phase_duration'] = derived_values.I_phase_duration datapoint['pip_time'] = derived_values.pip_time datapoint['peep_time'] = derived_values.peep_time datapoint['pip'] = derived_values.pip datapoint['pip_plateau'] = derived_values.pip_plateau datapoint['peep'] = derived_values.peep datapoint['vte'] = derived_values.vte datapoint.append()
[docs] def flush_logfile(self): """ This flushes the datapoints to the file. To be executed every other second, e.g. at the end of breath cycle. """ if self._data_save_allowed: self.data_table.flush() self.control_table.flush()
[docs] def check_files(self): """ make sure that the file's are not getting too large. """ total_size = 0 for filenames in os.listdir(self.log_dir): fp = os.path.join(self.log_dir, filenames) # skip if it is symbolic link if (not os.path.islink(fp)) and fp.endswith('.h5'): total_size += os.path.getsize(fp) #Check file system total_space_hd, used, free = shutil.disk_usage('/') max_size = np.min([total_space_hd*0.2, 1e10]) # Limit to whatever is smaller, 20% of the file system or 10 GB if len(os.listdir(self.log_dir)) > 1000: message = f'Too many logfiles in {self.log_dir} (>1000 files). There are ' + str(len(os.listdir(self.log_dir))) + ' files. Delete some.' print(message) # self.logger.exception(message) # Log a warning self._data_save_allowed = False # Stop data saving elif total_size>max_size: message = f'Logfiles in {self.log_dir} are too large. Max allowed is ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(max_size*1e-9) + 'GB, used is ' + '{0:.2f}'.format(total_size*1e-9) + 'GB. Free disk space.' print(message) self.logger.exception(message) # Log a warning self._data_save_allowed = False # Stop data saving else: self._data_save_allowed = True # Allow data saving return total_size # size in bytes
[docs] def rotation_newfile(self): """ This rotates through filenames, similar to a ringbuffer, to make sure that the program does not run of of space/ """ logfile_size = os.path.getsize(self.file) # Measure active logfile "..._log.0.h5" if logfile_size > self._MAX_FILE_SIZE: # If too big: self.close_logfile() # Close current logfile parts = self.file.split(".0.") # Go through all logfiles, and increase idx; "..._log.0.h5" -> "..._log.1.h5" etc for file_idx in range(self._MAX_NUM_LOGFILES-1, -1, -1): # Have to start at index of last allowed file old_filename = parts[0] + '.' + str(file_idx ) + '.' + parts[1] new_filename = parts[0] + '.' + str(file_idx + 1) + '.' + parts[1] if os.path.exists(old_filename): # On only if logfile already exists os.rename(old_filename, new_filename) self.h5file.close() # Generate new file with right file structure self.h5file = pytb.open_file(self.file, mode = "w") self._open_logfile()'DataLogger: rotated to new file.')
[docs] def load_file(self, filename = None): """ This loads a hdf5 file, and returns data to the user as a dictionary with two keys: waveform_data and control_data Args: filename (str, optional): Path to a hdf5-file. If none is given, uses currently open file. Defaults to None. Returns: dictionary: Containing the data arranged as ` {"waveform_data": waveform_data, "control_data": control_data, "derived_data": derived_data}` """ self.close_logfile() if filename == None: filename = self.file print("Reading... " + filename) with pytb.open_file(filename, mode = "r") as file: table = file.root.waveforms.readout waveform_data = table = file.root.controls.readout control_data = table = file.root.derived_quantities.readout derived_data = data_dict = {"waveform_data": waveform_data, "control_data": control_data, "derived_data": derived_data} return data_dict
[docs] def log2mat(self, filename = None): """ Translates the compressed hdf5 into a matlab file containing a matlab struct. This struct has the same structure as the hdf5 file, but is not compressed. Use for any file: dl = DataLogger() dl.log2mat(filename) The file is saved at the same path as `.mat` file, where the content is represented as matlab-structs. Args: filename (str, optional): Path to a hdf5-file. If none is given, uses currently open file. Defaults to None. """ if filename == None: filename = self.file new_file = filename.split('h5') new_filename = new_file[0] + '.mat' # try: dff = self.load_file(filename) ls_wv = dff['waveform_data'] ls_dv = dff['derived_data'] ls_ct = dff['control_data'] matlab_data = {'waveforms': ls_wv, 'derived_quantities': ls_dv, 'control_commands': ls_ct} sio.savemat(new_filename, matlab_data)
# except: # print(filename + " not found.")
[docs] def log2csv(self, filename = None): """ Translates the compressed hdf5 into three csv files containing: - waveform_data (measurement once per cycle) - derived_quantities (PEEP, PIP etc.) - control_commands (control commands sent to the controller) This approximates the structure contained in the hdf5 file. Use for any file: dl = DataLogger() dl.log2csv(filename) Args: filename (str, optional): Path to a hdf5-file. If none is given, uses currently open file. Defaults to None. """ if filename == None: filename = self.file new_file = filename.split('h5') try: dff = self.load_file(filename) ls_wv = dff['waveform_data'] ls_dv = dff['derived_data'] ls_ct = dff['control_data'] # Waveform_data new_filename = new_file[0] + "waveforms"+'.csv' title = str(ls_wv.dtype.names)[1:-1] title.replace("'",'') np.savetxt(new_filename, ls_wv, delimiter=',', header=title, comments="") # Derived quantities new_filename = new_file[0] + "derived_quantities"+'.csv' title = str(ls_dv.dtype.names)[1:-1] title.replace("'",'') np.savetxt(new_filename, ls_dv, delimiter=',', header=title, comments="") # Control Commands new_filename = new_file[0] + "control_commands"+'.csv' title = str(ls_ct.dtype.names)[1:-1] title.replace("'",'') np.savetxt(new_filename, ls_ct, delimiter=',', header=title, fmt = ('%.18e,%.18e,%s,%.18e,%.18e')) except: print(filename + " not found.")