Source code for pvp.common.message

import time

from pvp.common import values
from copy import copy
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
from pvp.common.loggers import init_logger

[docs]class SensorValues: additional_values = ('timestamp', 'loop_counter', 'breath_count')
[docs] def __init__(self, timestamp=None, loop_counter=None, breath_count=None, vals=None, **kwargs): """ Args: timestamp (float): from time.time(). must be passed explicitly or as an entry in ``vals`` loop_counter (int): number of control_module loops. must be passed explicitly or as an entry in ``vals`` breath_count (int): number of breaths taken. must be passed explicitly or as an entry in ``vals`` **kwargs: sensor readings, must be in :data:`pvp.values.SENSOR.keys` """ # if we were passed vals, we were given a dict of {ValueName: value} # allow this because python doesn't allow ** unpacking when the keys are not strings if vals is not None: for key, val in vals.items(): if isinstance(key, values.ValueName): kwargs[] = val elif key in values.ValueName.__members__.keys(): kwargs[key] = val elif key in self.additional_values: kwargs[key] = val # if we were called with a dictionary, make sure it came with # timestamp # loop_counter # breath_count self.timestamp = timestamp self.loop_counter = loop_counter self.breath_count = breath_count # if we were given None, try to get from kwargs. for val in self.additional_values: if getattr(self, val) is None: try: setattr(self, val, kwargs[val]) except KeyError as e: if val == "timestamp": # if it's a timestamp we can make one, we cant make up the rest. # otherwise just make one self.timestamp = time.time() else: raise e # insist that we have all the rest of the vals assert(all([ in kwargs.keys() for value in values.SENSOR.keys()])) # assign kwargs as attributes, # don't allow any non-ValueName keys for key, value in kwargs.items(): if (key in values.ValueName.__members__.keys()): setattr(self, key, copy(value)) elif key in self.additional_values: continue else: raise KeyError(f'value {key} not declared in pvp.values!!!')
[docs] def to_dict(self): ret_dict = { valname: getattr(self, for valname in values.SENSOR.keys() } ret_dict.update({ k:getattr(self, k) for k in self.additional_values }) return ret_dict
def __getitem__(self, item): if item in values.ValueName: return getattr(self, elif item in values.ValueName.__members__.keys(): return getattr(self, item) elif item.lower() in self.additional_values: return getattr(self, item.lower()) else: raise KeyError(f'No such value as {item}') def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in values.ValueName: return setattr(self,, value) elif key in values.ValueName.__members__.keys(): return setattr(self, key, value) elif key.lower() in self.additional_values: return setattr(self, key.lower(), value) else: raise KeyError(f'No such value as {key}')
[docs]class ControlValues: """ Class to save control values, analogous to SensorValues. Key difference: SensorValues come exclusively from the sensors, ControlValues contains controller variables, i.e. control signals and controlled signals (the flows). :param control_signal_in: :param control_signal_out: """ def __init__(self, control_signal_in, control_signal_out): self.control_signal_in = control_signal_in self.control_signal_out = control_signal_out
[docs]class DerivedValues: """ Class to save derived values, analogous to SensorValues. Key difference: SensorValues come exclusively from the sensors, DerivedValues contain estimates of I_PHASE_DURATION, PIP_TIME, PEEP_time, PIP, PIP_PLATEAU, PEEP, and VTE. :param timestamp: :param breath_count: :param I_phase_duration: :param pip_time: :param peep_time: :param pip: :param pip_plateau: :param peep: :param vte: """ def __init__(self, timestamp, breath_count, I_phase_duration, pip_time, peep_time, pip, pip_plateau, peep, vte): self.timestamp = timestamp self.breath_count = breath_count self.I_phase_duration = I_phase_duration self.pip_time = pip_time self.peep_time = peep_time self.pip = pip self.pip_plateau = pip_plateau self.peep = peep self.vte = vte
[docs]class ControlSetting:
[docs] def __init__(self, name: values.ValueName, value: float = None, min_value: float =None, max_value: float=None, timestamp: float =None, range_severity: 'AlarmSeverity' = None): """ Args: name: value: min_value: max_value: timestamp (float): ``time.time()`` range_severity (:class:`.AlarmSeverity`): Some control settings have multiple limits for different alarm severities, this attr, when present, specified which is being set. """ if isinstance(name, str): try: name = values.CONTROL.__members__[name] except KeyError as e: logger = init_logger(__name__) logger.exception(f'Couldnt create ControlSetting with name {name}, not in values.CONTROL') raise e elif isinstance(name, values.ValueName): assert name in values.CONTROL.keys() or name in (values.ValueName.VTE, values.ValueName.FIO2) = name # type: values.ValueName if (value is None) and (min_value is None) and (max_value is None): logger = init_logger(__name__) ex_string = 'at least one of value, min_value, or max_value must be set in a ControlSetting' logger.exception(ex_string) raise ValueError(ex_string) self.value = value self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value if timestamp is None: timestamp = time.time() self.timestamp = timestamp self.range_severity = range_severity
[docs]class Error: def __init__(self, errnum, err_str, timestamp): self.errnum = errnum self.err_str = err_str self.timestamp = timestamp