Source code for pvp.common.prefs

System preferences are stored in ~/pvp/prefs.json

import os
import time
import json
import multiprocessing as mp
from ctypes import c_bool

import logging

_PREF_MANAGER = mp.Manager()


_LOGGER = None # type: logging.Logger

_LOCK = mp.Lock()
:class:`mp.Lock` : Locks access to `prefs_fn`

Directories to ensure are created and added to prefs.

    * ``VENT_DIR``: ~/pvp - base directory for user storage
    * ``LOG_DIR``: ~/pvp/logs - for storage of event and alarm logs
    * ``DATA_DIR``: ~/pvp/data - for storage of waveform data
_DIRECTORIES['VENT_DIR'] = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'pvp')
_DIRECTORIES['LOG_DIR'] = os.path.join(_DIRECTORIES['VENT_DIR'], 'logs')
_DIRECTORIES['DATA_DIR'] = os.path.join(_DIRECTORIES['VENT_DIR'], 'logs')

LOADED = mp.Value(c_bool, False)
bool: flag to indicate whether prefs have been loaded (and thus :func:`set_pref` should write to disk.

    'PREFS_FN': None,
    'TIME_FIRST_START' : None,
    'LOGGING_MAX_BYTES': 2 * 2 ** 30, # total
    'TIMEOUT': 0.05, # timeout used for timeout decorator
    'HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT': 0.02, # timeout used in heartbeat between gui and contorller,
    'CONTROLLER_LOOPS_UNTIL_UPDATE': 1, # update copied values like get_sensor every n loops,
    'COUGH_DURATION': 0.1,
    'GUI_STATE_FN': 'gui_state.json',
    'GUI_UPDATE_TIME': 0.05,
    'ENABLE_DIALOGS': True, # enable _all_ dialogs -- for testing on virtual frame buffer
    'ENABLE_WARNINGS': True, # enable user warnings and confirmations

Declare all available parameters and set default values. If no default, set as None. 

* ``PREFS_FN`` - absolute path to the prefs file
* ``TIME_FIRST_START`` - time when the program has been started for the first time
* ``VENT_DIR``: ~/pvp - base directory for user storage
* ``LOG_DIR``: ~/pvp/logs - for storage of event and alarm logs
* ``DATA_DIR``: ~/pvp/data - for storage of waveform data
* ``LOGGING_MAX_BYTES`` : the **total** storage space for all loggers -- each logger gets ``LOGGING_MAX_BYTES/len(loggers)`` space
* ``LOGGING_MAX_FILES`` : number of files to split each logger's logs across
* ``GUI_STATE_FN``: Filename of gui control state file, relative to ``VENT_DIR``
* ``BREATH_PRESSURE_DROP`` : pressure drop below peep that is detected as an attempt to breath.
* ``BREATH_DETECTION``: (bool) whether the controller allows autonomous breaths (measured pressure is ``BREATH_PRESSURE_DROP`` below set PEEP)
* ``CONTROLLER_MAX_FLOW``: If flows above that, hardware cannot be correct.
* ``CONTROLLER_MAX_PRESSURE``: If pressure above that, hardware cannot be correct.
* ``CONTROLLER_MAX_STUCK_SENSOR``: Max amount of time (in s) before considering a sensor stuck

[docs]def set_pref(key: str, val): globals()['_PREFS'][key] = val if globals()['LOADED'].value == True: save_prefs()
[docs]def get_pref(key: str = None): """ Get global configuration value Args: key (str, None): get configuration value with specific ``key`` . if ``None`` , return all config values. """ if key is None: return globals()['_PREFS']._getvalue() else: try: return globals()['_PREFS'][key] except KeyError: return None
[docs]def load_prefs(prefs_fn: str): """ Load prefs from a .json prefs file, combining (and overwriting) any existing prefs, and then saves. .. note:: once this function is called, :func:`set_pref` will update the prefs file on disk. So if :func:`load_prefs` is called again at any point it should not change prefs. Args: prefs_fn (str): path of prefs.json """ # create empty dict for new prefs new_prefs = {} # add any defaults new_prefs.update(globals()['_DEFAULTS']) # overwrite with any prefs that might exist already new_prefs.update(globals()['_PREFS']) # finally update from the prefs file if os.path.exists(prefs_fn): try: with globals()['_LOCK']: with open(prefs_fn, 'r') as prefs_f: prefs = json.load(prefs_f) new_prefs.update(prefs) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: Warning(f'JSON decoding error in loading prefs, restoring from defaults.\n{e}') else: RuntimeWarning(f'No prefs file was found at {prefs_fn}, creating new file.') # set this filename as the prefs_fn new_prefs['PREFS_FN'] = os.path.abspath(prefs_fn) # update prefs globals()['_PREFS'].update(new_prefs) globals()['LOADED'].value = True # log if globals()['_LOGGER'] is None: # if program is just starting, logger shouldn't be created in case LOG_DIR is different than default # so it's ok to start it here. from pvp.common.loggers import init_logger globals()['_LOGGER'] = init_logger(__name__) globals()['_LOGGER'].info(f'Loaded prefs from {prefs_fn}') # save file save_prefs() # Make sure startime is set if the program is run for the first time if get_pref('TIME_FIRST_START') is None: set_pref('TIME_FIRST_START', time.time()) globals()['_LOGGER'].info(f'Starttime set: ' + str(time.time()))
[docs]def save_prefs(prefs_fn: str = None): if prefs_fn is None: try: prefs_fn = globals()['_PREFS']['PREFS_FN'] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError('Asked to save_prefs without prefs_fn, but no PREFS_FN in prefs') with globals()['_LOCK']: with open(prefs_fn, 'w') as prefs_f: json.dump(globals()['_PREFS']._getvalue(), prefs_f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) if globals()['_LOGGER'] is not None: globals()['_LOGGER'].info(f'Saved prefs to {prefs_fn}')
[docs]def make_dirs(): """ ensures _DIRECTORIES are created and added to prefs. """ global _DIRECTORIES # create directories if they don't exist already for dir_name, make_dir in _DIRECTORIES.items(): if not os.path.exists(make_dir): os.mkdir(make_dir) set_pref(dir_name, make_dir)
[docs]def init(): """ Initialize prefs. Called in ```` to ensure prefs are initialized before anything else. """ # add more functions as needed, but probably bad to hardcode default prefs here. # pull them up top like _DIRECTORIES make_dirs() # make_dirs should have load_prefs(os.path.join(get_pref('VENT_DIR'), 'prefs.json'))