Source code for pvp.common.values

from collections import OrderedDict as odict
from enum import Enum, auto
import typing

# TODO: Zhenyu's job is to make sure the print value is an intepretable string
[docs]class ValueName(Enum): """ Canonical names of all values used in PVP. """ PIP = auto() # PIP pressure PIP_TIME = auto() # time to reach PIP PEEP = auto() # PEEP pressure PEEP_TIME = auto() # time to reach PEEP BREATHS_PER_MINUTE = auto() INSPIRATION_TIME_SEC = auto() IE_RATIO = auto() FIO2 = auto() VTE = auto() PRESSURE = auto() FLOWOUT = auto()
[docs]class Value(object): """ Class to parameterize how a value is used in PVP. Sets whether a value is a sensor value, a control value, whether it should be plotted, and other details for the rest of the system to determine how to use it. Values should only be declared in this file so that they are kept consistent with :class:`.ValueName` and to not leak stray values anywhere else in the program. """
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, units: str, abs_range: tuple, safe_range: tuple, decimals: int, control: bool, sensor: bool, display: bool, plot: bool = False, plot_limits: typing.Union[None, typing.Tuple[ValueName]] = None, control_type: typing.Union[None, str] = None, group: typing.Union[None, dict] = None, default: (int, float) = None): """ Args: name (str): Human-readable name of the value units (str): Human-readable description of units abs_range (tuple): tuple of ints or floats setting the logical limit of the value, eg. a percent between 0 and 100, (0, 100) safe_range (tuple): tuple of ints or floats setting the safe ranges of the value, note:: this is not the same thing as the user-set alarm values, though the user-set alarm values are initialized as ``safe_range``. decimals (int): the number of decimals of precision used when displaying the value control (bool): Whether or not the value is used to control ventilation sensor (bool): Whether or not the value is a measured sensor value display (bool): whether the value should be created as a :class:`.gui.widgets.Display` widget. plot (bool): whether or not the value is plottable in the center plot window plot_limits (None, tuple(ValueName)): If plottable, and the plotted value has some alarm limits for another value, plot those limits as horizontal lines in the plot. eg. the PIP alarm range limits should be plotted on the Pressure plot control_type (None, "slider", "record"): If a control sets whether the control should use a slider or be set by recording recent sensor values. group (None, str): Unused currently, but to be used to create subgroups of control & display widgets default (None, int, float): Default value, if any. (Not automatically set in the GUI.) """ self._name = None self._units = None self._abs_range = None self._safe_range = None self._decimals = None self._default = None self._control = None self._sensor = None self._display = None self._control_type = None self._group = None self._plot = None self._plot_limits = None = name self.units = units self.abs_range = abs_range self.safe_range = safe_range self.decimals = decimals self.control = control self.sensor = sensor self.display = display self.control_type = control_type = group self.plot = plot self.plot_limits = plot_limits if default is not None: self.default = default
@property def name(self) -> str: """ Human readable name of value Returns: str """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): assert(isinstance(name, str)) self._name = name @property def abs_range(self) -> tuple: """ tuple of ints or floats setting the logical limit of the value, eg. a percent between 0 and 100, (0, 100) Returns: tuple """ return self._abs_range @abs_range.setter def abs_range(self, abs_range): assert(isinstance(abs_range, tuple) or isinstance(abs_range, list)) assert(all([isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float) for x in abs_range])) self._abs_range = abs_range @property def safe_range(self) -> tuple: """ tuple of ints or floats setting the safe ranges of the value, note:: this is not the same thing as the user-set alarm values, though the user-set alarm values are initialized as ``safe_range``. Returns: tuple """ return self._safe_range @safe_range.setter def safe_range(self, safe_range): assert(isinstance(safe_range, tuple) or isinstance(safe_range, list) or safe_range is None) if isinstance(safe_range, tuple) or isinstance(safe_range, list): assert(all([isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float) for x in safe_range])) self._safe_range = safe_range @property def decimals(self) -> int: """ The number of decimals of precision used when displaying the value Returns: int """ return self._decimals @decimals.setter def decimals(self, decimals): assert(isinstance(decimals, int)) self._decimals = decimals @property def default(self): """ Default value, if any. (Not automatically set in the GUI.) """ return self._default @default.setter def default(self, default): assert(isinstance(default, int) or isinstance(default, float)) self._default = default @property def control(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the value is used to control ventilation Returns: bool """ return self._control @control.setter def control(self, control): assert(isinstance(control, bool)) self._control = control @property def sensor(self) -> bool: """ Whether or not the value is a measured sensor value Returns: bool """ return self._sensor @sensor.setter def sensor(self, sensor): assert(isinstance(sensor, bool)) self._sensor = sensor @property def display(self): """ Whether the value should be created as a :class:`.gui.widgets.Display` widget. Returns: bool """ return self._display @display.setter def display(self, display): assert(isinstance(display, bool)) self._display = display @property def control_type(self): """ If a control sets whether the control should use a slider or be set by recording recent sensor values. Returns: None, "slider", "record" """ return self._control_type @control_type.setter def control_type(self, control_type): assert(control_type is None or control_type in ('record', 'slider')) self._control_type = control_type @property def group(self): """ Unused currently, but to be used to create subgroups of control & display widgets Returns: None, str """ return self._group @group.setter def group(self, group): assert(group is None or isinstance(group, dict)) if isinstance(group, dict): assert(len(group) == 1 and all([isinstance(k, int) for k in group.keys()])) self._group = group @property def plot(self): """ whether or not the value is plottable in the center plot window Returns: bool """ return self._plot @plot.setter def plot(self, plot): assert(isinstance(plot, bool)) self._plot = plot @property def plot_limits(self): """ If plottable, and the plotted value has some alarm limits for another value, plot those limits as horizontal lines in the plot. eg. the PIP alarm range limits should be plotted on the Pressure plot Returns: None, typing.Tuple[ValueName] """ return self._plot_limits @plot_limits.setter def plot_limits(self, plot_limits): assert plot_limits is None or isinstance(plot_limits, tuple) if isinstance(plot_limits, tuple): assert all([isinstance(x, ValueName) for x in plot_limits]) self._plot_limits = plot_limits def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__setattr__(key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__getattribute__(key)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """ Gather up all attributes and return as a dict! Returns: dict """ return { 'name':, 'units': self.units, 'abs_range': self.abs_range, 'safe_range': self.safe_range, 'decimals': self.decimals, 'default': self.default, 'control': self.control, 'sensor': self.sensor, 'plot': self.plot, 'plot_limits': self.plot_limits, 'control_type': self.control_type, 'group': }
VALUES = odict({ ValueName.PIP: Value(**{ 'name': 'PIP', # (Peak Inspiratory Pressure) 'units': 'cmH2O', 'abs_range': (0, 70), # FIXME 'safe_range': (0, 40), # From DrDan 'default': 35, # FIXME 'decimals': 1, 'control': True, 'control_type': 'slider', 'group': {0:'Pressure Controls'}, 'sensor': True, 'display': True }), ValueName.PEEP: Value(**{ 'name': 'PEEP', # (Positive End Expiratory Pressure) 'units': 'cmH2O', 'abs_range': (0, 20), # FIXME 'safe_range': (0, 16), # From DrDan 'default': 5, # FIXME 'decimals': 1, 'control': True, 'control_type': 'record', 'group': {0:'Pressure Controls'}, 'sensor': True, 'display': True }), ValueName.BREATHS_PER_MINUTE: Value(**{ 'name': 'RR', # Daniel re: FDA labels 'units': 'BPM', # Daniel re: FDA labels 'abs_range': (0, 50), # FIXME 'safe_range': (10, 30), # Stanford's socs 'default': 17, # FIXME 'decimals': 1, 'control': True, 'control_type': 'slider', 'sensor': True, 'display': True }), ValueName.INSPIRATION_TIME_SEC: Value(**{ 'name': 'INSPt', 'units': 'seconds', 'abs_range': (0, 5), # FIXME 'safe_range': (1, 3.0), # FIXME 'default': 1.0, # FIXME 'decimals': 1, 'control': True, 'control_type': 'slider', 'sensor': True, 'display': True }), ValueName.IE_RATIO: Value(**{ 'name': 'I:E', 'units': '', 'abs_range': (0, 2), 'safe_range': (1, 1.3), 'decimals': 2, 'default':0.5, 'control': True, 'control_type': 'slider', 'sensor': False, 'display': True }), ValueName.PIP_TIME: Value(**{ 'name': 'flow', 'units': '', 'abs_range': (1, 5), # FIXME 'safe_range': (1, 5), # FIXME 'default': 1, # FIXME 'decimals': 1, 'control': True, 'control_type': 'slider', 'sensor': False, 'display': True }), ValueName.PEEP_TIME: Value(**{ 'name': 'PEEPt', 'units': 'seconds', 'abs_range': (0, 2), # FIXME 'safe_range': (0, 1.0), # FIXME 'default': 0.5, # FIXME 'decimals': 1, 'control': True, 'sensor': False, 'display': False }), ValueName.PRESSURE: Value(**{ 'name': 'Pressure', 'units': 'cmH2O', 'abs_range': (0,70), 'safe_range': (0,60), 'decimals': 1, 'control': False, 'sensor': True, 'display': True, 'plot': True, 'plot_limits': (ValueName.PIP, ValueName.PEEP) }), ValueName.VTE: Value(**{ 'name': 'VTE', 'units': 'L', # Unit is liters :-) 'abs_range': (0, 100), 'safe_range': (0, 100), 'decimals': 2, 'control': False, 'control_type': 'record', 'sensor': True, 'display': True }), ValueName.FLOWOUT: Value(**{ 'name': 'Flow', 'units': 'L/min', 'abs_range': (0, 2), 'safe_range': (0, 2), 'decimals': 2, 'control': False, 'sensor': True, 'display': True, 'plot': True }), ValueName.FIO2: Value(**{ 'name': 'FiO2', 'units': '%', 'abs_range': (0, 100), 'safe_range': (20, 100), 'decimals': 1, 'control': False, 'sensor': True, 'display': True, 'plot': True }), }) """ Declaration of all values used by PVP """ SENSOR = odict({ k:v for k, v in VALUES.items() if v.sensor }) """ Sensor values Automatically generated as all :class:`.Value` objects in :data:`.VALUES` where ``sensor == True`` """ CONTROL = odict({ k: v for k, v in VALUES.items() if v.control }) """ Values to control but not monitor. Automatically generated as all :class:`.Value` objects in :data:`.VALUES` where ``control == True`` """ DISPLAY_MONITOR = odict({ k: v for k, v in VALUES.items() if v.sensor and v.display }) """ Those sensor values that should also have a widget created in the GUI Automatically generated as all :class:`.Value` objects in :data:`.VALUES` where ``sensor == True`` and ``display == True`` """ DISPLAY_CONTROL = odict({ k: v for k, v in VALUES.items() if v.control and v.display }) """ Control values that should also have a widget created in the GUI Automatically generated as all :class:`.Value` objects in :data:`.VALUES` where ``control == True`` and ``display == True`` """ PLOTS = odict({ k: v for k, v in VALUES.items() if v.plot }) """ Values that can be plotted Automatically generated as all :class:`.Value` objects in :data:`.VALUES` where ``plot == True`` """