Source code for pvp.alarm.alarm_manager

import copy
import time
from pprint import pformat
import pdb

from pvp.alarm import AlarmSeverity, AlarmType
from pvp.alarm.condition import Condition
from pvp.common.message import SensorValues, ControlSetting
from pvp.common.loggers import init_logger
from pvp.alarm.alarm import Alarm
from pvp.alarm.rule import Alarm_Rule
from pvp.alarm import condition

import typing

[docs]class Alarm_Manager(object): """ The Alarm Manager The alarm manager receives :class:`.SensorValues` from the GUI via :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.update` and emits :class:`.Alarm` s to methods given by :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.add_callback` . When alarm limits are updated (ie. the :class:`.Alarm_Rule` has :attr:`~.Alarm_Rule.depends` ), it emits them to methods registered with :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.add_dependency_callback` . On initialization, the alarm manager calls :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.load_rules` , which loads all rules defined in :data:`.alarm.ALARM_RULES` . Attributes: active_alarms (dict): {:class:`.AlarmType`: :class:`.Alarm`} logged_alarms (list): A list of deactivated alarms. dependencies (dict): A dictionary mapping :class:`.ValueName` s to the alarm threshold dependencies they update pending_clears (list): [:class:`.AlarmType`] list of alarms that have been requested to be cleared callbacks (list): list of callables that accept `Alarm` s when they are raised/altered. cleared_alarms (list): of :class:`.AlarmType` s, alarms that have been cleared but have not dropped back into the 'off' range to enable re-raising snoozed_alarms (dict): of :class:`.AlarmType` s : times, alarms that should not be raised because they have been silenced for a period of time callbacks (list): list of callables to send :class:`.Alarm` objects to depends_callbacks (list): When we :meth:`.update_dependencies`, we send back a :class:`.ControlSetting` with the new min/max rules (dict): A dict mapping :class:`.AlarmType` to :class:`.Alarm_Rule` . """ _instance = None # use class attributes because __init__ is called every time instantiated active_alarms: typing.Dict[AlarmType, Alarm] = {} logged_alarms: typing.List[Alarm] = [] # get our alarm rules dependencies = {} pending_clears = [] cleared_alarms = [] snoozed_alarms = {} callbacks = [] depends_callbacks = [] rules = {} # type: typing.Dict[AlarmType, Alarm_Rule] logger = init_logger(__name__) def __new__(cls): """ If an Alarm_Manager already exists, when initing just return that one """ if not cls._instance: cls._instance = super(Alarm_Manager, cls).__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __init__(self): if len(self.rules) == 0: self.load_rules()
[docs] def load_rules(self): """ Copy alarms from :data:`.alarm.ALARM_RULES` and call :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.load_rule` for each """ from pvp.alarm import ALARM_RULES rules = copy.deepcopy(ALARM_RULES) # register dependencies for alarm_name, alarm_rule in rules.items(): self.load_rule(alarm_rule)
[docs] def load_rule(self, alarm_rule: Alarm_Rule): """ Add the Alarm Rule to :attr:`.Alarm_Manager.rules` and register any dependencies they have with :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.register_dependency` Args: alarm_rule ( :class:`.Alarm_Rule` ): Alarm rule to be loaded """ self.rules[] = alarm_rule for severity, condition in alarm_rule.conditions: if isinstance(condition.depends, dict): self.register_dependency(condition, condition.depends, severity) elif isinstance(condition.depends, list) or isinstance(condition.depends, tuple): # pragma: no cover -- same operation as the single dependency for depend in condition.depends: self.register_dependency(condition, depend, severity)'Registered rule:\n{pformat(alarm_rule.__dict__)}')
[docs] def update(self, sensor_values: SensorValues): """ Call :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.check_rule` for all rules in :attr:`.Alarm_Manager.rules` Args: sensor_values ( :class:`.SensorValues` ): New sensor values from the GUI """ for alarm_name, rule in self.rules.items(): self.check_rule(rule, sensor_values)
# don't want to do alarm emission here because any _check_, # not any full update should trigger an alarm
[docs] def check_rule(self, rule: Alarm_Rule, sensor_values: SensorValues): """ :meth:`~.Alarm_Rule.check` the alarm rule, handle logic of raising, emitting, or lowering an alarm. When alarms are dismissed, an :class:`.alarm.Alarm` is emitted with ``AlarmSeverity.OFF`` . * If the alarm severity has increased, emit a new alarm. * If the alarm severity has decreased and the alarm is not latched, emit a new alarm * If the alarm severity has decreased and the alarm is latched, check if the alarm has been manually dismissed, if it has emit a new alarm. * If a latched alarm has been manually dismissed previously and the alarm condition is now no longer met, dismiss the alarm. Args: rule ( :class:`.Alarm_Rule` ): Alarm rule to check sensor_values ( :class:`.SensorValues` ): sent by the GUI to check against alarm rule """ current_severity = rule.check(sensor_values) ################## # Checks that prevent raising # check that we're not being snoozed if in self.snoozed_alarms.keys(): if time.time() >= self.snoozed_alarms[]: # remove from dict and continue del self.snoozed_alarms[] else: return # if we've been cleared, check if we've gone below zero, # otherwise return (don't re-raise) if in self.cleared_alarms: if current_severity == AlarmSeverity.OFF: self.cleared_alarms.remove( else: return ##################### # checks that determine type of raise if in self.active_alarms.keys(): # if we've got an active alarm of this type # check if the severity has changed if current_severity > self.active_alarms[].severity: # greater severity always raises self.emit_alarm(, current_severity) elif current_severity < self.active_alarms[].severity: # if alarm isn't latched, emit lower alarm if not rule.latch: self.emit_alarm(, current_severity) else: # if the alarm is latched, but has been previously requested to be cleared... if in self.pending_clears: # clear if the severity is zero if current_severity == AlarmSeverity.OFF: self.emit_alarm(, current_severity) self.pending_clears.remove( else: # alarm isn't active if current_severity > AlarmSeverity.OFF: # emit if not off self.emit_alarm(, current_severity)
[docs] def emit_alarm(self, alarm_type: AlarmType, severity: AlarmSeverity): """ Emit alarm (by calling all callbacks with it). .. note:: This method emits *and* clears alarms -- a cleared alarm is emitted with :attr:`AlarmSeverity.OFF` Args: alarm_type ( :class:`.AlarmType` ): severity ( :class:`.AlarmSeverity` ): """ if alarm_type in self.rules.keys(): # if another alarm is currently active, deactivate it if alarm_type in self.active_alarms.keys(): self.deactivate_alarm(alarm_type) # make alarm and emit new_alarm = Alarm( alarm_type = alarm_type, severity = severity, start_time = time.time(), latch = self.rules[alarm_type].latch, cause = self.rules[alarm_type].value_names ) for callback in self.callbacks: callback(new_alarm) if severity> AlarmSeverity.OFF: # don't add OFF alarms to active_alarms... self.active_alarms[alarm_type] = new_alarm'Alarm Raised:\n '+str(new_alarm)) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('No rule found for alarm type {}'.format(alarm_type))
[docs] def deactivate_alarm(self, alarm: (AlarmType, Alarm)): """ Mark an alarm's internal active flags and remove from :attr:`.active_alarms` Typically called internally when an alarm is being replaced by one of the same type but a different severity. .. note:: This does *not* alert listeners that an alarm has been cleared, for that emit an alarm with AlarmSeverity.OFF Args: alarm ( :class:`.AlarmType` , :class:`.Alarm` ): Alarm to deactivate """ if isinstance(alarm, Alarm): alarm_type = alarm.alarm_type elif isinstance(alarm, AlarmType): alarm_type = alarm else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f'alarm must be AlarmType or Alarm, got {alarm}') if alarm_type in self.active_alarms.keys(): if isinstance(alarm, Alarm): # pragma: no cover if alarm is not self.active_alarms[alarm_type]: # if we were passed an Alarm and # if this alarm isn't the one that's active, don't deactivate return got_alarm = self.active_alarms.pop(alarm_type) got_alarm.deactivate() self.logged_alarms.append(got_alarm)'Deactivated Alarm:\n ' + str(got_alarm)) else: # pragma: no cover return
[docs] def dismiss_alarm(self, alarm_type: AlarmType, duration: float = None,): """ GUI or other object requests an alarm to be dismissed & deactivated GUI will wait until it receives an `emit_alarm` of severity == OFF to remove alarm widgets. If the alarm is not latched If the alarm is latched, alarm_manager will not decrement alarm severity or emit `OFF` until a) the condition returns to `OFF`, and b) the user dismisses the alarm Args: alarm_type (:class:`.AlarmType`): Alarm to dismiss duration (float): seconds - amount of time to wait before alarm can be re-raised If a duration is provided, the alarm will not be able to be re-raised """ assert(alarm_type in self.rules.keys()) rule = self.rules[alarm_type] # if the alarm is latched, add it to the list of pending_clears if rule.latch: # if the alarm is in the pending_clears list, # when the `rule` returns to OFF, the alarm will be deactivated self.pending_clears.append(alarm_type) # the rest of the logic doesn't apply to latched alarms return # if we were provided a snooze duration, add to the snooze dict and clear alarm if duration: assert isinstance(duration, (int, float)) assert duration >= 0 self.snoozed_alarms[alarm_type] = time.time() + duration self.emit_alarm(alarm_type, AlarmSeverity.OFF) #otherwise alarm will be deactivated until condition goes OFF and back on else: self.cleared_alarms.append(alarm_type) self.emit_alarm(alarm_type, AlarmSeverity.OFF)
[docs] def get_alarm_severity(self, alarm_type: AlarmType): """ Get the severity of an Alarm Args: alarm_type ( :class:`.AlarmType` ): Alarm type to check Returns: :class:`.AlarmSeverity` """ if alarm_type in self.active_alarms.keys(): return self.active_alarms[alarm_type].severity else: return AlarmSeverity.OFF
[docs] def register_alarm(self, alarm: Alarm): """ Be given an already created alarm and emit to callbacks. Mostly used during testing for programmatically created alarms. Creating alarms outside of the Alarm_Manager is generally discouraged. Args: alarm (:class:`.Alarm`) """ if alarm.alarm_type in self.active_alarms.keys(): if alarm is self.active_alarms[alarm.alarm_type]: # pragma: no cover return # if another alarm is already active, # check if this is a higher severity if alarm.severity > self.active_alarms[alarm.alarm_type].severity: self.deactivate_alarm(alarm.alarm_type) self.active_alarms[alarm.alarm_type] = alarm for callback in self.callbacks: # pragma: no cover - this is a testing method callback(alarm) else: # pragma: no cover - this is a testing method return # TODO: currently just bouncing redundant alarms, is that what we want? else: if alarm.severity > AlarmSeverity.OFF: self.active_alarms[alarm.alarm_type] = alarm for callback in self.callbacks: # pragma: no cover - this is a testing method callback(alarm)
[docs] def register_dependency(self, condition: Condition, dependency: dict, severity: AlarmSeverity): """ Add dependency in a Condition object to be updated when values are changed Args: condition (dict): Condition as defined in an :class:`.Alarm_Rule` dependency (dict): either a (ValueName, attribute_name) or optionally also + transformation callable severity (:class:`.AlarmSeverity`): severity of dependency """ # invert the structure of the dependency so it's keyed by the ValueName being updated dependency['condition'] = condition dependency['severity'] = severity value_name = dependency.pop('value_name') if value_name not in self.dependencies.keys(): self.dependencies[value_name] = [dependency] else: self.dependencies[value_name].append(dependency)
[docs] def update_dependencies(self, control_setting: ControlSetting): """ Update Condition objects that update their value according to some control parameter Call any ``transform`` functions on the attribute of the control setting specified in the depencency. Emit another :class:`.ControlSetting` describing the new max or min or the value. Args: control_setting (:class:`.ControlSetting`): Control setting that was changed """ if in self.dependencies.keys(): # dependencies have # ('value_name', 'value_attribute', 'condition_attr', 'transform') for depend in self.dependencies[]: # get the value from the control setting we want to update from new_value = getattr(control_setting, depend['value_attr']) # if the attribute we're looking to update from is None, then # this control isn't being set right now if new_value is None: return if 'transform' in depend.keys(): # apply transformation if it has one new_value = depend['transform'](new_value) setattr(depend['condition'], depend['condition_attr'], new_value) # emit control signal with new info if isinstance(depend['condition'], condition.ValueCondition): control_kwargs = { 'name':, #'value': control_setting.value } if depend['condition'].mode == 'min': control_kwargs['min_value'] = new_value elif depend['condition'].mode == 'max': control_kwargs['max_value'] = new_value control_kwargs['range_severity'] = depend['severity'] control_out = ControlSetting(**control_kwargs) for cb in self.depends_callbacks: cb(control_out)
[docs] def add_callback(self, callback: typing.Callable): """ Assert we're being given a callable and add it to our list of callbacks. Args: callback (typing.Callable): Callback that accepts a single argument of an :class:`.Alarm` """ assert callable(callback) self.callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def add_dependency_callback(self, callback: typing.Callable): """ Assert we're being given a callable and add it to our list of dependency_callbacks Args: callback (typing.Callable): Callback that accepts a :class:`.ControlSetting` Returns: """ assert callable(callback) self.depends_callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def clear_all_alarms(self): """ call :meth:`.Alarm_Manager.deactivate_alarm` for all active alarms. """ # make separate list because dict will be cleared during iteration alarm_keys = list(self.active_alarms.keys()) for alarm_type in alarm_keys: self.deactivate_alarm(alarm_type)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset all conditions, callbacks, and other stateful attributes and clear alarms """ self.pending_clears = [] self.cleared_alarms = [] self.snoozed_alarms = {} self.callbacks = [] for rule in self.rules.values(): rule.reset() self.clear_all_alarms()